CNET Networks has launched BNET, a Web site aimed at business leaders. BNET has aggregated white papers and other content, searchable by job function (such as human resources) or industry (such as construction or financial services). Additionally, BNET offers blogs, newsletters and selected RSS feeds.
BNET's first blog, "Leadership.Now" is written by Don Blohowiak, an executive consultant with clients such as FedEx and Motorola, addresses leadership issues.
BNET has accumulated more than 200,000 registered users since a soft launch last year and hopes to attrach a new group of advertisers beyond its tech core. To be competitive with sites such as BusinessWeek, BNET will need to grow its user base significantly. Recently BusinessWeek entered a deal with TechTarget's Bitpipe to offer its visitors online access to technology white papers.
Also, check out an original animation looking at "corporate life through the eyes of a well-meaning CEO who just can't win."