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    March 16, 2007


    david Nussbaum

    Congrats Colin on your new role at IDG. Stewardship of such historic and key brands certainly must be an honor for you, and a strong confirmation of IDG's confidence in you.

    Also, I totally agree with your post and the dramatic changes taking place in B2B media, as well as the communications world at large. Whether you call it Web 2.0, social networking, or any other buzz phrase, its clear that users are more in control of their info and are aggressively participating in the gathering and sharing of news and info today.

    The ramifications for business media are significant.

    Thanks for blogging about these changes!

    Paul Conley

    Congratulations to you and to all of IDG.
    I just hope that this new job won't take you away from blogging!

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