While prevalent in Asia, especially in Japan where 76% of the population is familiar with camera‐phone based barcode scanning 2D bar-coding has been slow to take off in the US, largely due to the major carriers failing to agree on which standards to support. At last there is an indication that the mobile industry is close to reaching agreement. The CTIA Wireless Internet Caucus Code Scan Action Team (CCSAT) – has launched a white paper on Camera‐phone Barcode Scanning
The technical building blocks described in the paper are intended to kick‐start the market. In the near term, an effective 2D barcode service will requires coordination among code publishers, technology service providers and the carriers,
The CCSAT group has agreed to help provide standardized and reliable 2D barcode services in the United States. It has agreed to coordinate the creation of a Central Registry and Clearing House, the adoption of initial code symbologies, and rules governing the use of a Service Mark.
The two initial codes selected are the proprietary code, EZ Code and Data Matrix, an ISO supported standard code.
2D bar-code readers from companies such as Scanlife have started to become popular, on the iPhone
2D scanning is one of several initiatives to link the physical to the digital via the camera in smartphones - other technologies to watch include - image recognition from companies such as SnapTell, Mobiglyphs and other advertising enhancing services such as ShopText and SNIPP
Magazines such as Billboard and Car and Driver are testing out 2D codes
Well I’ve posted my response with all the deference this white paper deserves.
After 2 years of lobbying and hidden agendas with lots of committees and discussions this is what they come out with, they should have titled it..."We're carriers looking out for ourselves and all you advertisers and consumers better bend over and touch your toes".
Someone at CTIA either took a bribe or failed an IQ test if they think this is going to work.
This is paper is fubar and will die a stillborn death.
Basically all you QR code people go about your business, keep implementing really cool campaigns with no hidden charges, license fees or 'carrier taxes' on your creativity.
Ignore all the scummy scanbuy/neomedia/ctia cohorts with their closed mobile carrier mentality and taxes and charges. The world has already passed proprietary closed systems by, they had their shot 4 years ago and they blew it.
Dean Collins
Posted by: dean.collins | September 15, 2008 at 12:00 PM
Nice post Colin--my initial reaction was surprise when I saw which 2D code formats the CTIA was supporting. However, you make a great point--the white-paper is a strong sign that 2D bar codes are going to explode in the US market. With the clearing house and central registry scheduled for completion by mid 2009, there seems to be quite a bit of opportunity in this space.
Posted by: Matt | September 16, 2008 at 11:26 PM