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    « Apple's iPad - an impressive product gives Apple significant competitive advantage | Main | Future of Publishing Summit - Opening remarks »

    February 18, 2010



    Honestly, I'm extremely tired of all the articles about the iPad (as an apple fan). But this article very informative for upcoming trends on journalism, PR and Marketing.

    Jon DiPietro

    I agree with your conclusion, but not so much with your premise. You say that, "Transferring the elements of an old media to a new one has never worked before so it's unlikely this time will be much different," which is simply untrue. Music has jumped from vinyl to cassette tape to CD to MP3, with the content largely unchanged and uninfluenced by the medium. Movies have taken a similar journey, but one could argue that the DVD medium has allowed movies to undergo slight changes like "Director's Cuts" and special features. And so I would conclude that it is indeed possible for a content type to move from one medium to another quite nicely and easily. However, I agree with you that print won't and here's why...

    Reading is expensive. This makes it imperative that authors, publishers, and device manufacturers understand whether their content is going to be read for effect or purpose. As more content is consumed digitally, the filter mechanisms people use will continue to have a detrimental effect on purveyors of generalized content like most newspapers and magazines. As you point out, the ones that are nimble and innovative will survive.

    Account Deleted

    We'll just see and wait what will happen. It's hard to predict the future of Ipad. :-)

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