My quick takeaway from Apple's Music focused event
iPod Shuffle - nice to see click wheel back - great low cost entry product - recommend you test voice controls
iPod Nano - not sure on this - looks really cool - but not sure why I'd buy it - it's an iPod Shuffle with better interface for another $100 - me - I just listen to music on the iPhone. For a few, no video is a negative - but I think Apple made the correct call. The product needed a refresh and this may work - I'm not the target.
iPod Classic - not mentioned but still available (for now) - I still love this device for transporting large volume of music - great in the car etc.
iPod Touch - nice upgrade to screen resolution, FaceTime etc. Quality of rear facing camera perhaps an issue. A great personal mobile gaming device - watch out Nintendo / Sony
iOS upgrades - just can't wait for November to get it on my iPad - maybe Apple will use the November time frame to rollout new iPads - it would be outside their normal cycle but given the market competition could make a lot of sense - whenever - we'll probably see a 7" screen and integrated camera. iPad is a truly spectacular media consumption product - whose potential is only starting to be realized. It's no wonder the media industry is all over this device.
Ping - for me this was the most intriguing announcement - still trying to appreciate the potential around verticals other than music - movies, apps etc. Apple may have under estimated the effort involved with managing a social network and some of the "crazies" it attracts. However I see Ping offering artists their own "homepage", and labels offered an aggregation opportunity. Longer term - we'll see "streaming" from Apple extend to other areas. Many elements of LaLa are evident (and Facebook of course). Apple has never really embraced "social" as it's outside their walled garden DNA - this will be extremely interesting to watch to see how they deal with some of the inevitable issues.
Apple TV - OK so other devices such as Roku offer similar functionality - personally I like the Apple eco-system and will pre-order for my home office. I think the simplicity, the UI/UX is spectacular and at $99 it's my personal early "stocking filler"
Apple pulled off a polished sold event that's now a traditional update for it's music products before the holiday season. There was nothing truly spectacular announced but their momentum remains exceptionally solid. The "techie" detractors are nit-pciking but Apple investors and the majority of consumers will be extremely happy
However, I'm still intrigued why Chris Martin did not pick up and play the guitar.
PS Please enough of the the Macworld Expo references - it's not a reasonable comparison (Apples to Oranges) - your success at retail is spectacular but despite Apple's decision to pull out of Macworld Expo it is still very much alive and well. It's a key part of the the industry's eco-system and complements everything Apple does.
Under the leadership of my friends and colleagues Paul Kent and Mary Dolaher the event in 2011 is shaping up extremely well. I may even have a cameo appearance - in the past, my few seconds of fame were to quickly introduce Steve and get out of the way - my kids still laughs at my Boston 1997 intro to Steve which thanks to YouTube is available to all. Those were dark days for the Apple industry - who (other than Steve) would have that Apple could command such market success.
Congratulations to everyone at Apple and the Apple eco-system.